Everyone in Northern Ireland now has a water story, so what is yours? It may be that you were in the shower when the water went off, it may be that you had to queue for hours just to get some water to drink. But whatever it is everyone in Northern Ireland now has a water story, so here is mine...
I got an email the other day from a student in Finland, who told me that in the news in Finland it was reported that Northern Ireland was suffering from a drought and she was very concerned for our safety. Now i don't know how the news in Finland is being reported but i think the term drought was perhaps a little over the top, but I'm still proud that our wee country made the news in Finland, even if it was for being completely incompetent and unable to manage a crisis.
The Bible also tells a story about a woman who was looking for the living water, water that would satisfy her forever, and we can read about this woman in John chapter 4. Jesus is at a well and a woman comes to the well about mid-day, Jesus was tired and thirsty from a long walk and he asks the woman for a drink, the woman initally refuses but Jesus continues talking to her, and assures her that only He can offer her the living water, but she doesnt understand, she asks Jesus how he intends to get that water out seeing the well was deep and he had nothing to draw with.
Jesus then shares with her the great news, he tells her that everyone who drinks from the water of the well will be thirsty again but he who drinks of the water Jesus gives them will never thirst again, now we think we have moved on so much as cultures and nations, and to an extent we have, but the truth today is still the same, if we go to a tap and are lucky enough to get some water, eventually we will be thirsty again, we will need to keep coming back to this tap and be satisfied once again, but the truth is Jesus is the only thing that will satisy us forever. Now obviously we are not talking about physical thirst here, but spiritual thirst, our spiritual thirst to know God. Now maybe you are reading this and thinking well i have no spiritual thirst, no thirst to know God, but i can assure you, you do, you are maybe just looking in the wrong places.
So as you are going to your tap tonight, going for your shower doing whatever it is that you do with water think about your true thirst, the thirst that can never be satisfied with water and can only be satisfied by God.
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