Monday 10 January 2011


I believe it was the great sooth-Sayer Gary Barlow who penned the words:
"Just have a little patience, I'm still hurting from a love I lost."
In our modern day society and culture patience is not a thing that we are used to is it? We live in a society of instant gratification, a society that says I want it and I want it now, we are not used to waiting for things. From T.V. dinners to buy now pay later furniture we are used to having the every desire of our heart satisfied when we want it satisfied.
But how different things are for those of us who are Christians, who love the Lord Jesus Christ, we are still the same people who want our desires to be satisfied instantly, but sometimes for us what God requires of us is a little patience. In my bible reading recently I have been reading the story of Joseph, and in particular the story of Joseph in prison for a crime that he didn't commit. Joseph had interpreted a dream for the cup bearer and the baker, and asked them to remember him when they where released from prison. But they didn't, they promptly forgot about him and left him languishing in prison for two whole years.
During those two years there must have been times when Joseph's mind began to wonder, when Joseph felt as if God had abandoned him, had left him alone. But really Joseph just had to wait in patience for the Lord to act. As Christians we need to remember that, that sometimes all God is telling us to do is to go on in faith, go on trusting Him and His word and carry on until He reveals his plans to us. As Gary said all we need is a little patience. The world around us is used to always getting what it wants when it wants it, but that's not the Christian life, we get what we need when God decides that we need it.
It may be that there is a situation in your life at the minute were you feel that there is nothing happening, when heaven is silent, but perhaps heaven is not really silent at all and maybe God is telling you that you need to have a little patience and keep going forward in faith trusting Him...

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